Tuesday, 24 February 2009

February 24th 1896

Examined school throughout. The children are making good progress since Xmas, as the attendance is much better. Chickenpox has been very bad, but I think we are now free from it, with the exception of Freddie R.

Marching is very badly performed owing to the smallness of the room.

There is a great improvement in drill & singing. The children are very pleased with the dumb-bells, but a piano is much needed.

Drill or games in school is taken every day, instead of games in the playground during cold weather. The children are much pleased with "Musical Chairs" adapted.

Drill was a period of the day where the children performed military drills. Other times they would use dumbbells to do exercises to the beat of a piano. There is lots of information about Victorian School life at this website: www.exhibition.stbarbe-museum.org.uk